Dominoes are a favorite family game that can be enjoyed by all ages. There are many variations of domino rules, so be sure that everyone understands and agrees on the rules before you begin playing. Dominoes can be laid out in straight or curved lines, into grids that form pictures, or stacked into towers and pyramids. You can even make your own domino track and use arrows to show the way that you would like the pieces to fall. This type of domino art is called domino art and it can be very elaborate. Lily Hevesh started collecting dominoes when she was nine years old and soon began creating her own designs. She started posting videos of her work on YouTube, and now has more than 2 million subscribers. She has built some spectacular domino setups for movies, TV shows, and events, including an album launch for pop singer Katy Perry. Each domino has a unique pattern of dots on one side and is blank or identically patterned on the other. A domino’s identifying marks are also known as its “pips” and it belongs to one of several suits, such as the suit of threes or the suit of blanks (also known as the 0 suit). Some sets of dominoes have more than one suit; some have both a double and a zero suite. A domino’s points are determined by counting the number of pips on opposing player’s tiles exposed to the player. The player who scores the most points wins a given number of rounds. Points may also be awarded by laying a tile with matching ends (one’s touching two’s, for example), or by making a series of connected dominoes that total a certain number. The number of exposed pips on the first tile played decides how many points can be awarded on each adjacent side, and whether doubles count as one or two. While a domino track is typically set up on a flat surface, Hevesh often builds her creations in 3-D. She starts with the largest sections, then adds smaller arrangements. She makes test versions of each section to ensure that it works properly before putting it all together. She usually films each test in slow motion to see if it needs to be adjusted. One of the most interesting aspects of a domino track is that, while the track’s overall design is set up before the game begins, each individual domino has its own inertia. A domino that has been pushed by another piece will not move until the force from the other piece is enough to overcome its inertia. When that happens, the domino will continue to fall and push on other dominoes. This domino effect is similar to the way that good habits can lead to better ones. When you start doing a good habit, the positive effects can snowball and make it easier to maintain that behavior. This is why it’s important to build up your new habits gradually and consistently, and to stick with them.