The Sidney Prize and the Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize

The Sydney Prize is given to people who have made a significant impact on society. It is a way of recognising their efforts and motivating others to do the same. It is important to understand the requirements and criteria before applying for a sidney prize. In order to perpetuate the generative influence that Sidney Cox exerted upon his students in and out of his classes, a group of his friends has solicited funds for an annual award for the undergraduate work which best approximates the high standards of originality and integrity which he set both for himself and for his students. About $1500 has been raised to date, but a much larger sum is required to establish the fund on a solidly permanent basis. Letters are being sent to those on the original list and it is hoped that contributions from others interested in this cause will be forthcoming. The committee is grateful for all assistance in this matter. Contributions may be sent to 1 Occom Ridge, Hanover, N.H. This month, the Sydney Prize honors investigative journalism with a focus on public policy issues. The winner receives $500, a bottle of union-made wine and a certificate designed by New Yorker cartoonist Edward Sorel. The winner will be announced on the second Wednesday of each month. Each year, the Sydney Peace Foundation honours a leading global voice that promotes peace with justice and nonviolence. This year, the Sydney Prize was awarded to Nazanin Boniadi, who has dedicated her career to fighting for women’s rights in Iran. The prize is a great opportunity for Nazanin to turn outrage into action. The Hillman Foundation has been awarding the Sidney Award since 1950 to journalists who pursue “investigative reporting and deep storytelling in the public interest.” Past winners include Jane Mayer for her work on Dick Cheney and the Bush Administration’s violations of domestic and international law; Bill Moyers and Kathleen Hughes for their Journal broadcast on “Buying the War,” which exposed how the US military was being sold; and Spike Lee and Sam Pollard for their documentary on how low-income taxpayer clinics helped Americans avoid paying taxes they owed. For 2024, the Neilma Sidney Short Story Prize is open to all Australian writers who haven’t previously won a Sydney Prize. The winning story will be published in Overland’s autumn issue and the runners-up will each be awarded $750. This year’s judges are Hilton Als writing for The New York Times and Ed Yong writing for The Atlantic. In the spirit of diversity and inclusion, if your entry takes up the voice or experience of a marginalised community or identity, please let us know. You can do this in the box provided on the submission form. Our judges will be aware of your response, but it will only be visible to internal editors. Alternatively, you can send us a separate email.

What is a Mobile Gambling Game?

A mobile gambling game is a smartphone or tablet computer-based casino-style gambling game that can be played from anywhere with Internet connectivity. These games typically rely on luck rather than strategy and can be enjoyed by anyone with a compatible device. In addition, mobile gambling games are accessible at any time, eliminating the need to adhere to traditional casino operating hours. This freedom makes it possible for people to gamble while at home, traveling or waiting in line. The popularity of mobile gambling has been driven by the rapid evolution of mobile technology and the proliferation of high-powered processors with vivid displays. These features, coupled with wireless internet connections that make it possible to stay connected no matter where you are, have made it easier than ever for people to gamble on the go. Many of the top mobile casinos offer advanced security measures to protect players’ personal and financial data, and comply with strict regulations and licensing requirements to ensure fair play. They also allow players to deposit and withdraw money using a variety of secure methods. To get started, find a mobile casino that supports your currency and phone type. You can then download the casino’s app or visit the website through your phone’s web browser. Once the site loads, look for an options menu within your browser that reveals your player details and account information. This menu is often represented by a three-dot icon on Android phones, or a box with an arrow on iOS devices. Some mobile casinos offer free trial play for potential customers to test their waters before making a real-money commitment. Others require a deposit before you can start playing for real cash. To avoid getting scammed, read online reviews of the casino you’re considering before making a deposit. Some of the best mobile casinos will also offer exclusive bonuses for their members. These can include free spins, coupons and other rewards. Mobile gaming offers a unique opportunity for brands to reach consumers in ways never before possible. For example, a mobile casino could be integrated with a social media platform to encourage user interaction. This could help build brand loyalty and drive revenue. In addition, a mobile casino can incorporate elements of gambling into other experiences to create a sense of excitement and fun. This can be used to promote new products and services, or even just to attract attention. In the future, mobile gambling will continue to grow in popularity as more and more consumers are looking for a convenient and safe way to gamble on the go. By combining the convenience of mobile technology with traditional gambling principles, mobile gaming is creating an entirely new market segment that is poised to become one of the largest industries in the world. As the industry continues to evolve, it is important for marketers to keep up with these trends in order to compete effectively. This will be particularly true as more and more people adopt smartphones.