Whether you compose your novel off the cuff or take your time with a careful outline, plotting a story ultimately comes down to one simple question: What happens next? Thinking of each scene domino as a reaction to the one before it can help you answer that question in a compelling way.
A Domino is any of 28 small oblong pieces, with a line in the middle to visually divide it into two squares and markings or dots on each side that identify its value. Each side is marked with an arrangement of six pips or dots, while the other side is blank or has a different pattern. These two sides are arranged so that players can see only their own tiles, not those of their opponents. Each domino has a value determined by the number of spots or pips on both of its ends, and is played so that its end matches the corresponding end of a domino already laid down. The value of each domino also determines the amount of force needed to cause it to fall.
Dominoes are used in a wide range of games, from simple to very complex. The most common game requires a double-six set of 28 dominoes, shuffled and formed into a “stock” or boneyard. Each player draws seven tiles from the stock. The player must then play a domino that is compatible with the tiles in his hand, or in the hands of other players who are also drawing, thereby causing a chain reaction to continue. The winning player is the first to complete a chain reaction and win the game.
In her work as a domino artist, Hevesh creates dazzling displays for movies, TV shows, and events. Some of her creations require several nail-biting minutes before the last domino falls. The reason for this is that dominoes have inertia, a tendency to resist motion when no outside force is pushing on them. But a tiny nudge is all it takes to overcome this resistance and tip the first domino over.
Dominoes can be arranged in many ways, including straight lines, curved lines, grids that form pictures when they fall, or 3D structures like towers and pyramids. Each design can be as simple or as elaborate as the designer desires. Creating domino art is fun for children and adults alike, and the results are spectacular.
During his tenure as CEO, Brandon emphasized Domino’s core values, one of which is Champion Our Customers. The company pays close attention to customer feedback and tries to address complaints quickly. The company also promotes a culture of collaboration, which is important to its employees and has resulted in a high employee retention rate.