The Basics of Dominoes


Domino is a family of tile-based games. Its game pieces are rectangular tiles with square ends that are marked with numbers. Players can score points by matching the numbers on adjacent tiles. The goal of the game is to get to the end of the game board with the most points. There are many variations of the game, but the basic rules are the same.

Game played with 28 rectangular pieces

Dominoes is a family of card games that is played with a set of 28 rectangular pieces. Each piece in the set has a number of spots ranging from one to six. Some of the pieces are blank. Most dominoes are made of plastic, but historically, the game was played with wooden, metal, and bone dominoes.


There are several different theories about the origin of the domino game. Some say it was invented by Chinese railroad workers, while others claim it was invented by a Chinese nobleman in the 12th century. In any case, the game originated in Asia and eventually spread to other parts of the world. Italian missionaries introduced the game to China during the 19th century, and the game gained popularity there. Regardless of its origin, the game is now played in many countries around the world, including the United States.

There are many stories about the origin of domino, including the story of a Chinese soldier named Hung Ming, who invented the game as a way to keep soldiers awake during battle. Other stories tell of a nobleman named Keung T’ai Kung, who invented the game in the 12th century and presented it to Chinese Emperor Hui Tsung.


There are two basic variants of domino: block and doubles. Block Dominoes have pips and spots that correspond to their size. Some are marked with numbers, while others are blank. Doubles Dominoes can be played on all four sides of the board. These variations of domino have different rules, but they all follow the same general strategy.

The main objective of the game is to build a set of enclosed spaces. Each ‘cell’ is half the size of a domino tile, and each cell is worth one point. A graphic illustration shows a few examples of how to build cells and tactics when using Game Option 1.


The game of domino can be played in many variations. The basic game involves two players and seven tiles. During play, the players can see both their own tiles and those of their opponent. Some variants feature multicolored tiles. For example, a game called Five-Up features tiles that have both red and black pips on them. Another variant, referred to as the Crazy game, uses doubles to act as spinners. This allows players to play on all four sides of the board.

Variants of domino can be very competitive or friendly. Players can play against each other or with a computer. In the traditional game, players draw seven tiles from a double-six set and extend the line of play in turns. In the end, the winner scores based on how many pip spots remain in the losing player’s hand.