The University of Sydney provides numerous prizes designed to recognize student academic excellence in a wide range of areas. While some require applications, all prize winners will be listed on their transcript and honored at a ceremony. One of these prizes is the Sidney Prize, which honors undergraduate writing that meets Sir Sidney Cox’s high standards for originality and integrity as set out in his teaching methods and in his book Indirections for Those Who Want to Write. The award is open to all students of any nationality who are majoring or not in English at the University.
The Event Cinemas Rising Talent Award honors a NSW-based creative working in short film with a cash prize of $7,000. The 2023 winner is Robyn Liu, lead actor for the films ‘The Dancing Girl and the Balloon Man.’ The judges said Liu’s “beguiling imagery, inventive characterisation and layered performances” make her an outstanding emerging talent.
Dr Edward Jones-Imhotep, a York University faculty member in the Department of History, has been awarded the 2018 Sidney Edelstein Prize by the Society for the History of Technology (SHOT). The prize honors scholarly books in the history of technology published during the preceding three years.
In this era of partisan polarization, it is important to step back and consider the big picture. Walter Russell Mead’s article “The Once and Future Liberalism” does just that, examining the current conflict as a clash between two versions of liberalism—the small state Manchester liberalism of the 1890s and the big organization managerial state liberalism of the 1950s.
The Hillman Foundation is a left-of-center group that annually awards monetary prizes for investigative journalism and public service. The group was founded in 1946 in honor of the late Sidney Hillman, president of the Amalgamated Clothing Workers of America labor union—a predecessor to Unite Here and Workers United, SEIU. The foundation’s board of directors includes a number of Workers United and SEIU officials, including president emeritus Bruce Raynor.
The Society for the History of Technology awarded York University faculty member Edward Jones-Imhotep the 2018 Sidney Edelstein Prize for his outstanding scholarly work on the history of technology. The prize is the most prestigious in the field of the history of science and technology and was donated by SHOT patron Ruth Edelstein Barish in memory of her father, the founder of the Dexter Chemical Corporation. The prize consists of a cash award and a plaque. The prize is presented at the annual SIHATE conference. The prize is accompanied by a lecture on the topic of the winning work. The prize is the only one in the field of the history of technology that is not associated with a particular journal or other publication. The prize was first awarded in 1968 and is named after the late Sidney Edelstein. Previous winners include historians of physics and the history of dyes, as well as the historian of the American Civil War. Jones-Imhotep teaches HIST 1777: Disasters and History at York.